BME302-Manufacturing Process VTU 2022 scheme
VTU University notes on 3rd SEM Mechanical Engineering 2022 scheme notes 2024. Study materials and previous year question papers on easenotes 2024.
Introduction: Definition, Classification of manufacturing processes. Metals cast in the foundry-classification, factors that determine the selection of a casting alloy. Introduction to casting process & steps involved – (Brief Introduction)- Not for SEE Patterns: Definition, classification, materials used for pattern, various pattern allowances and their importance. Sand moulding: Types of base sand, requirement of base sand. Binder, Additive’s definition, need and types; preparation of sand moulds. Molding machines- Jolt type, squeeze type and Sand slinger. Study of important moulding process: Green sand, core sand, dry sand, sweep mould, CO2mould, shell mould, investment mould, plaster mould, cement bonded mould. Cores: Definition, need, types. Method of making cores, MKV-TEMPLATE for IPCC (26.04.2022) 2 Concept of gating (top, bottom, parting line, horn gate) and risers (open, blind) Functions and types.
Classification of furnaces, Gas fired pit furnace, Resistance furnace, Coreless induction furnace, electric arc furnace, constructional features & working principle of cupola furnace. Casting using metal moulds: Gravity die casting, pressure die casting, centrifugal casting, squeeze casting, slush casting, thixocasting, and continuous casting processes. Casting defects, their causes and remedies.
Mechanical behaviour of metals in elastic and plastic deformation, stress-strain relationships, Yield criteria, Application to tensile testing, train rate and temperature in metal working; Hot deformation, Cold working and annealing. Metal Working Processes: Fundamentals of metal working, Analysis of bulk forming processes like forging, rolling, extrusion, wire drawing by slab method, Other sheet metal processes: Sheet metal forming processes (Die and punch assembly, Blanking, piercing, bending etc., Compound and Progressive die), High Energy rate forming processes.
Operating principle, basic equipment, merits and applications of: Fusion welding processes: Gas welding - Types – Flame characteristics; Manual metal arc welding – Gas Tungsten arc welding - Gas metal arc welding – Submerged arc welding
Concept of weldability of materials; Thermal Effects in Welding (Distortion, shrinkage and residual stresses in welded structures); Welding defects and remedies. Allied processes: Soldering, Brazing and adhesive bonding Advance welding processes: Resistance welding processes, friction stir welding (FSW).