BME301 -Mechanics of Materials VTU 2022 scheme
VTU University notes on 3rd SEM Mechanical Engineering 2022 scheme notes 2024. Study materials and previous year question papers on easenotes 2024.
Syllabus Copy:
Definition/derivation of normal stress, shear stress, and normal strain and shear strain – Stress
strain diagram for brittle and ductile materials - Poisson’s ratio & volumetric strain – Elastic constants – relationship
between elastic constants and Poisson’s ratio – Generalised Hook’s law – Deformation of simple and compound bars,
Resilience, Gradual, sudden, impact and shock loadings – thermal stresses.
Introduction, plane stress, stresses on inclined sections, principal stresses and maximum shear stresses,
graphical method - Mohr's circle for plane stress.
Thick and Thin cylinders: Stresses in thin cylinders, Lame's equation for thick cylinders subjected to internal and external pressures,
Changes in dimensions of cylinder (diameter, length and volume), simple numerical.
Definition of beam – Types of beams – Concept of shear force and bending moment –
S.F and B.M diagrams for cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams subjected to point loads, uniformly distributed loads,
uniformly varying loads and combination of these loads – Point of contra flexure.
– Assumptions – Derivation of bending equation - Neutral axis – Determination of bending stresses –
section modulus of rectangular and circular sections (Solid and Hollow), I, T and Channel sections – Design of simple beam sections,
Shear Stresses: Derivation of formula – Shear stress distribution across various beams sections like rectangular, circular, triangular, I,
and T sections.
Introduction, pure torsion, assumptions, derivation of torsional equations, polar modulus, torsional rigidity
/ stiffness of shafts, power transmitted by solid and hollow circular shafts.